
Today reminded me of a poem I wrote two years ago, when my life had quite literally fallen apart in a way I never thought was possible. I had forgotten about it, buried under all the other well meaning or haphazard poems I have lodging in an old Google Document. It’s also been very easy… Continue reading Hyacinths

Made At Home: Fall Garland

We’re in a bit of an odd season right now. As we approach mid-November, Thanksgiving is nearly upon us and Christmas is just out of reach. It feels weird to have pumpkins out, yet it feels weirder to start decking the halls. So why not fill in the time with some Thanksgiving themed decor? This… Continue reading Made At Home: Fall Garland

Mulled Wine

My husband and I found ourselves with nothing to do this past Saturday. We were relaxing on the couch, watching the grey sky outside when I was struck with a brilliant idea: mulled wine, painting, music, candles, snacks. That seemed like the right answer to a cold, dreary day. “How about we go to Trader… Continue reading Mulled Wine

Starting Afresh

This is very young me, fearlessly charging down a hill one Easter morning. I get that same type of energy when I think about freelancing. After quitting my full time job, I have finally begun the journey in which I have always secretly desired, yet was too scared to commit to. I’ve never considered putting… Continue reading Starting Afresh